The yDepartment of Science & Technology has been implementing a scheme “Science & Technology for Women” with a view to empower women through inputs of Science and Technolog. The broad objectives of this scheme are to promote development and adaptation of appropriate technologies, transfer of proven technologies and demonstration of live technology models to benefit women. The Scheme also focuses on issues related to women‟s health issues and other gender initiatives. The Science for Equity Empowerment and Development Division had successfully implemented an All India Coordinated Research Programme (AICRP) on Green Leafy Vegetables and Prevention of Anaemia” which addressed the problems that arise out of iron deficiency and suggested solutions. A programme on menstrual hygiene of women is also under implementation.
The Hon‟ble Prime Minister of India recently, while highlighting the fact that 42% of children were underweight in our country, also highlighted the need to look for other alternatives to tackle malnutrition rather than solely depending in the Government initiatives like ICDS etc. Diagnosing the magnitude and dimension of the problem of malnutrition in India were also discussed at par in the workshop “The Resistant problem of malnutrition in India: Issues and the way forward” jointly organized by National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) and The National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) on 04th July 2013. The present programme on Women and Nutrition is carved based on the discussions, deliberations and recommendations to cope up with the endemicity of hunger and malnutrition in the country through a pragmatic approach.
The Department of Science and Technology invite R&D based project proposals under this initiative, though not restricted, may address the following themes.
I. Agricultural Interventions
o Bio-fortification
o Home gardening/Community Nurseries
o Aquaculture (Small scale fisheries)
o Poultry development
o Small Scale Animal husbandry
o Dairy development
o Value-addition to vegetables and fruits
II. Food Based/Dietary Interventions
o Supplementation with specific nutrients
o Staple food fortification with edible chemical resources
o Probiotics
 Supplementation of traditional and staple foods with probiotics
 Documentation of region specific traditional probiotic foods, their usage, functionality and importance in local language and in English/Hindi
 Revitalization of local Probiotic Foods
 Probiotics in Agriculture (Increase in crop immunity and yield)
 Probiotics – Health and Disease Management
 Non Diary based Probiotic Foods (Cereal based, Fruit based etc)
o Prebiotic Foods and supplements.
III. Micronutrients and Macronutrients
o Bio - Fortification
o Dietary diversification
o Food fortification
o Dietary Supplementation with vitamin and minerals
o Prevention of Diseases that arise due to nutrient (micro and macro) deficiency
IV. Life Style Modification
o Prevention of Non Communicable Diseases
o Prevention of Diseases that arise due to irregular life style
o Issues addressing life style diseases like obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardio vascular diseases
V. Capacity Building and Awareness Generation
o Nutritional studies to produce scientific outputs aligned with national priorities in order to improve the nutritional status of the population
o Generate nutrient information and compile a comprehensive food database
o Transformation of scientific nutritional data and food database outputs into practical implementable strategies
o Institutional Mechanism for Demonstration and Awareness Generation through S&T interventions – rather than routine training programme.
o Academic, R&D Institutions, Central and State Government organizations with proven track record in executing S&T based projects.
o Private Universities/Colleges/Autonomous Institutes recognized by AICTE/MHRD/UGC having experience in executing S&T projects.
o Community Based Organizations/Potential Voluntary Organizations (NGO‟s) with at least ten (10) years of experience and having successfully implemented at least five major projects with support from S&T Departments/other credible funding agencies
o Community Based Organizations (Voluntary organizations & NGO‟s) should have mandatory tie up with S&T Institutions for technology transfer
o Should have a physical presence in the location specified for intervention to include an office and required space/land
The project proposals received under the call will be initially screened by departmental screening committee. The short listed applicants will be called for a presentation before the Sub Expert Committee on Women and Nutrition constituted by Secretary, DST. The recommendations the Sub Expert Committee will be placed before the Expert Committee on Science and Technology for Women for final funding decisions.