Last date: Grants are being reviewed on a quarterly basis in March, June, September and December.

The Wallace Global Fund (WGF) supports activities at the global and national level, and will consider significant local or regional initiatives offering the potential to leverage broader national or global impact.

The program areas are; Natural Resources, Civic Engagement, Media and Leadership, Justice and Women’s Human Rights.

The mission of the Wallace Global Fund is to promote an informed and engaged citizenry to fight injustice, and to protect the diversity of nature and the natural systems upon which all life depends.
WGF Women’s Human Rights Program

Population pressures exacerbate many of the fundamental obstacles to sustainable development: degradation of natural resources, income disparity, gender inequality and poor maternal and child health.

The Fund believes that it can uphold women’s human rights by expanding their reproductive health choices, thereby reducing unwanted childbearing and improving the lives of women and their families.

The Fund seeks policy initiatives which promote globally to:
Increase access to contraceptives
Increase access to emergency contraceptives
Improve adolescents’ ability to make informed choice and obtain Quality reproductive health services
Increase access to safe abortion
Resource mobilization in Europe
Resource mobilization in U.S.
Eradication of female genital mutilation
Promote microenterprise
Ensure that millennium development goals (MDGS) prioritize reproductive health

Grant proposals are processed and reviewed on a continuous basis.

The average grant size is $50,000, with actual grant awards ranging up to $400,000.

The Fund makes both one-year and multi-year grants.

Wallace Global Fund will consider proposals for either core support or project-specific support.

WGF does not fund purchase of land, capital construction, profit-making businesses, debt reduction, endowment campaigns, fundraising drives/events, or scholarships, tuition assistance or other forms of personal financial aid.