Deadline- 31 March 2014

Berghof Foundationis seeking proposalsfrom all eligible organizationsaround the world for Innovationin ConflictTransformation GrantProgram. The major purpose of this program is to generate new ideas about how National Dialogues provide a distinct approach and a means of political settlement during and after war or political crisis.
The maximum amount of fundingper project is 50,000 EUR. The maximum project duration is limited to 24 months.

Eligibility & Criteria:
  • Organisations, as well as individuals, may apply
  • There are no geographical restrictions on applicants
  • Preference is given to projects that demonstrate a matching contribution of funds

Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is entitled to apply?
Organisations (NGO, INGO, CSO, etc.), as well as individuals, may apply.

Is the grant limited to any geographical areas or specific countries?
There are no geographical restrictions.

Will existing projects also be funded?
The proposal should not be for supplemental grants for supporting an already existing project, but rather for a new project with a fresh new concept and innovative ideas.

Is there a minimum/maximum amount awarded?
The maximum grant amount is EUR 50,000 (including all costs).

Are there any limitations concerning the timeline?
There is no predetermined project duration.

Can one submit more than one proposal?
It is possible to submit more than one application per organisation/individual.

Can we submit the Letter of Inquiry and CVs in other languages than English?
Unfortunately, we do not have multilingual capacities. While your working language for the project might be different, English should be the language to be used in the Letter of Inquiry, CVs, all correspondences with us, and (if your project is granted) all project reports.

What happens during formal validation?
Applications that do not conform to the formal requirements are discarded. Possible reasons are: Project title or descriptions are not well formulated, the LoI is not produced using the provided template, LoI does not answer all the questions raised in the provided template, etc.

What happens during the review process?
Strong applications that are well formulated, innovative and strategically relevant to Berghof Foundation are shortlisted for Phase 2 and invited to submit Full Applications. Others are rejected.