Deadline: 01.08.2014
Focus Areas
Education is the cornerstone of technological advancement. The IEEE Foundation supports projects that expand and enhance engineering, science and technology education opportunities for students of all ages through mid-career professionals to positively impact workforce development and involvement in IEEE.
Education is the cornerstone of technological advancement. The IEEE Foundation supports projects that expand and enhance engineering, science and technology education opportunities for students of all ages through mid-career professionals to positively impact workforce development and involvement in IEEE.
Achieving the promise technology holds for tomorrow requires an understanding of the role it plays in our lives today and how it changed "yesterday". The IEEE Foundation supports projects that increase awareness of the impact and influence of early technology on the present and future among the general public. Projects primarily aimed at preserving or studying the history of technology must include plans to disseminate the results.
Progress to a better tomorrow is dependent upon the investment of time, talent, knowledge and resources to improve the human condition. Within its humanitarian focus area, the IEEE Foundation supports projects that implement or disseminate replicable, sustainable, technology-based solutions for humanitarian issues in underserved and underprivileged areas.
What We Don't Fund
- Grants to individuals
- Operational, overhead, general & administrative or indirect costs
- Ongoing activities of the applicant
- Lobbying or electioneering
- Commercial promotion activities
- Research & development, including prototypes
- Construction or building renovations
- Endowments, scholarships or loans
- Participation of specific/individual teams at competitions
- Disaster relief
- Projects in excess of five years in duration
The IEEE Foundation does not usually fund requests for or that include capital equipment (items of $1500+), salaries (staff, contractors or stipends) or travel. For these expenses to be funded, the project must be deemed worthy and the expenses must be integral to the success of the project.
- Addresses a well-defined need
- Will make a noticeable impact
- Expected beneficiaries are explained
- Geographic area to be affected is identified
- Plan for successful completion is clear and realistic
- Measurable outcomes are stated
- Project Leader has expertise to conduct project
- Involves IEEE members (preferred, not required)
- Applying organization is qualified to oversee the project and agrees to the terms & conditions
Note: IEEE Student Branches must obtain approval from its IEEE Section prior to submitting a grant application. - Budget is realistic and includes only allowable expenses.
- Support from other sources for the project (preferred, not required)