What is Google Grants?
Google Grants is the nonprofit edition of AdWords, Google's online advertising tool. Google Grants empowers nonprofit organizations, through $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords™ advertising, to promote their missions and initiatives on Google.com
Is your nonprofit eligible for Google Grants?
To be eligible for the Google Grants programme, organisations must:
Hold current and valid charity status, as determined by your country; please see your country’s charity status definition below.
Acknowledge and agree to the application's required certifications regarding non-discrimination and donation receipt and use.
Have a functioning website with substantial content
Please note that the following organisations are not eligible for Google Grants:
Governmental entities and organisations
Hospitals and medical groups
Schools, childcare centres, academic institutions and universities (philanthropic arms of educational organisations are eligible).
Definition for charity status for India
Organizations must be charitable institutions that are either Registered Societies, Public Charitable Trusts or companies under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, each as provided for under the Income Tax Act, 1961 to be considered for this program.
To maintain eligibility in the Google Grants program:
Your ads must ONLY link to the ONE nonprofit website URL that was approved in the application.
You are required to actively manage the AdWords account by logging in monthly. Should you not log in to your account for 30 days, your account will be subject to pausing without notification.
Your ads must reflect the mission of the approved nonprofit organization and your keywords must be relevant to the nonprofit’s programs and services.
Strictly commercial advertising is not allowed through this programme. If you intend to promote products or services, 100% of the sales and/or proceeds must support your programme.
Your Google ads cannot link to pages that are primarily links to other websites. Ads offering financial products (such as mortgages or credit cards) or those requesting car, boat or property donations and related keywords are not allowed.
Your website cannot display Google AdSense ads or affiliate advertising links while participating in Google Grants.
Grantees found in violation of any of these guidelines are subject to removal from the program. Google reserves the right to grant or deny an organization's application or participation at any time, for any reason, and to supplement or amend these eligibility guidelines at any time. Selections are made at Google's sole discretion, and are not subject to external review.