• To operationalise appropriate, cost effective and proven technologies for development of various categories of wastelands specially problem lands affected by soil erosion, land degradation, salinity, alkalinity, water logging etc.
• To implement location specific pilot project as demonstration models for development of wasteland on a sustainable basis.
• To take up pilot projects for development of wastelands through land based activities including pisciculture, duckery, bee-keeping etc.
• To disseminate research findings about new and appropriate technologies and the application of such technologies for promoting wastelands development.

Procedure for Applying:
There will be an initial scrutiny of the project to see that it conforms to these guidelines. Based on the scrutiny further details/clarifications may be obtained, if necessary, either through correspondence or discussion. Once the project is complete in all respects it would be submitted to the Sanctioning Committee concerned for consideration and approval. The institution promoting the project would prepare a project giving brief information under the following broad heads:

- Details about the Institution/Technical Personnel etc.
- Objectives of the Scheme
- Relation of the proposal to the objective of NWDB
- Previous work done on this subject by other agencies.
- Application/Replicability of the project results
- Physical and financial details of the project, year wise details about land availability.
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the project
- Results expected in physical terms.