Deadline: 08.12.2015
CAF( Charities Aid Foundation) India is inviting a detailed Expression of Interest (EOI) from NGOs/CSOs, for construction of toilets including maintenance and awareness building across schools, households and communities under the Right to Sanitation Challenge initiative.
Through RTS Challenge, CAF India wants to involve more and more people into the campaign, thereby making everyone aware of the state of toilets in rural & urban schools, communities and households and the need to build/renovate them on priority.
The Program aims at
1. Construction of Toilets
2. Maintenance & upkeep
3. Sanitation & Hygiene Education
Apart from funds for construction of toilets, the winning organization will get an exposure and full tax exemption under section 80G.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants can be NGOs (Not for Profit Organisations) / CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 / Public Trust Act at the National or State level / Section 25 / Clause 8 of the Companies Act which must have-
- Minimum three year old registered organisation with a proven track record of promoting Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH) interventions
- Prior experience of handling similar projects for schools or communities
- Experience of working with any government project, on water and sanitation
- Equipped with a reliable technical staff to implement the project effectively
- Proven track record in project management
- Dedicated technical team for WASH Programme.
Selection Criteria
- Organisations meeting the above requirements can submit their application by downloading the EOI application form and sending it before deadline either by post/courier/hand or e-mail.
- The EOI proposals, entitled as “EOI Application for CAF Right to Sanitation” should be filled in the prescribed format.
- The shortlisted agencies will be invited for submitting the detailed technical proposals, including strategy, work plan with timelines and budget.